Natural S. 5


Unit 1: Living things

In this unit, we are studying the smallest unit in the living things: the CELLS.

We are also learning about the vital functions: nutrition, reproduction and interaction.

Moreover, we are reviewing the kingdoms in which we divide the living things.

In Arts we have been creating the two types of cells: animal and plant cells. They are fantastic!!!


Unit 2: Interaction and the body

The unit is divided into three parts for you to study better. Here you have the presentation with lots of videos:


Some games and exercises to practice what we are learning in class:

Game Parts of the Eye
Test Eye
Game Parts of the Ear
Test Ear
Game Bones
Game Bones 2

The five senses: experiments

Today we have been learning how important our sense organs are. It has been fun!


Unit 3: Health and illness

In this unit we are creating two padlets:

Hecho con Padlet

Hecho con Padlet

Playing with the skeleton.




Unit 3: Health and illness

Here you have the video about personal hygiene that you have to watch to answer the questions I gave you in class:

Your poster about personal hygiene:

La nutricionista Vanessa Pérez Espiga vino a clase para darnos una charla sobre hábitos saludables en nuestra alimentación. Aprendimos muchos datos como cuántos huevos hay que comer a la semana, las raciones de lácteos al día, el ejercicio físico que debemos llevar a cabo,...
¡¡Muchas gracias!!


Review Natural Science Unit 1, 2 and 3

This is the test for the end of the term:


Unit 4: The Plant Kingdom

The presentation of this unit:

Which part of the plants do we eat? (PADLET)


Hecho con Padlet


Hecho con Padlet


Animales marinos

Hoy, 9 de febrero, para celebrar el Carnaval, hemos querido hacer un trabajo en grupo juntando las dos clases. Cada equipo se ha encargado de exponer información sobre un animal marino. ¡¡¡Éste ha sido el resultado!!!


Unit 5: Ecosystems

The presentation of this unit:



Unit 6: The Biosphere

The presentation of this unit:



Hecho con Padlet


Cram biosphere


Review Natural Science Unit 4, 5 and 6

This is the test for the end of the term:



Unit 7: Matter and forces

The presentation of this unit:



Unit 8: Energy

The presentation of this unit:


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