Natural Science 4


Unit 1: Body Systems


Our project about the respiratory system:

Those are your projects about the body systems. They are fantastic!!!!!!!

Rubén's project

Hugo's project

Águeda's project 1

Águeda's project 2

Valentina's project

Mencía's project

Alba's project

Martín's project

Paulo's project

And the skeletons we have created to study the bones:

A video about pregnancy:


Unit 2: Looking after yourself

Here you have the project about healthy and unhealthy habits:




Unit 3: Living things

This is the presentation of this unit:

Here, it is Marta's voluntary project about the unit:

Here you have the project about the five kingdoms of the living things:




Review Unit 1, 2 and 3

Those questions are a review of the units 1, 2 and 3 of your Natural Science Book. 

For answering the questions, you can use your book, your notebook, the Internet, etc.

You can do this quiz ONCE. It is opened until 15th December.


Unit 4: Animals

Here you can see a fantastic webpage with a lot of information about animals:

The presentation of this unit is the following:

Project about the animals (nutrition, respiration and reproduction:


4° B

And, finally your projects about invertebrates:

4° A

4° B


Unit 5: Plants

Here you have the presentation of this unit:

Nuestro huerto:

Nuestras plantitas están creciendo muchísimo. ¡Menudos hortelanos tenemos en el colegio!


Unit 6: Ecosystems

Here you have the presentation that we are using in class:

There are plenty of web pages for you to practice what we are studying through games:

Game 1 --> Food chain
Game 2 --> Food chain
Game 3 --> Food chain
Game 4 --> Ecosystems
Game 5 --> Ecosystems

El progreso de nuestro huertito... ¡Cómo han ido creciendo!

Víctor ha querido enseñarnos un proyecto chulísimo que ha preparado sobre mezclas. ¡Es genial!


Proyecto Comida saludable

A lo largo de estas semanas, hemos estado aprendiendo los distintos tipos de alimentos que tenemos, la cantidad de raciones que debemos tomar al día y por ello, nos hemos atrevido a crear un menú saludable para una semana. Aquí está el de las dos clases:





Unit 7: Matter, materials and forces

Here you have the presentation that we are using in class:

Today, you have been scientists and those are the experiments that you have created:

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